2nd Wildfire Induced Air Pollution Assessment & Mitigation Symposium


Event Date

Virtual Symposium - Zoom Webinar

Wildfires are becoming an existential threat to the well-being of the U.S. population, with wildfire-induced air pollution as one of the most severe contributors to economic and life losses. This symposium will report on recent research advancements in the assessment and mitigation of wildfire effects on human health, with presentations by accomplished researchers from a multidisciplinary team supported by the University of California Office of the President, through the UCOP Lab Fees program. This applied research has the ultimate goal to support the State of California and the US Federal government in their science-informed decision making processes to reduce the negative impacts produced by wildfire-induced air pollution.
Free and open to the public.

View the full recording here

Speaker PowerPoint slides are available below! See the 'Agenda' section to view the available speaker presentation slides.

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Symposium Speakers (listed in alphabetical order)

  • Allison Aiken
  • Allison Aiken, Research Scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Emission Factors from Laboratory Burns of Urban Fuels
    Michele Barbato
  • Michele BarbatoCo-Director of UC Davis Climate Adaptation Research Center and Director of the CITRIS Climate Initiative
  • Wildfire risk mitigation in the WUI: From ignition-resistant to fire-resistant house
    Katie Benedict
  • Katie Benedict, Research Scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Emission Factors from Laboratory Burns of Urban Fuels

  • Katie Conlon

    Kathryn (Katie) Conlon, Co-Director of the UC Davis Climate Adaptation Research Center and Assistant Professor
    Developing Exposure Risk Profiles for Populations Experiencing Wildfire Smoke

    Quinn Hart

    Quinn Hart, Applications Developer at UC Davis
    Real-Time updates to GOES weather data processing


    Caitlin Jones

    Caitlin Jones, Doctoral Candidate at UC Davis
    Developing Exposure Risk Profiles for Populations Experiencing Wildfire Smoke


    William LassmanPostdoctoral Scholar at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
    Connecting wildfire dynamics to air quality: a case study of the 2020 Northern California wildfire season

    Matthew Moody

    Matthew Moody, Postdoctoral Scholar at UC Davis
    Adaptation of a dynamically coupled fire spread model to account for heterogeneous terrain and fuels

    LeRoy Westerling

    LeRoy WesterlingProfessor at UC Merced
    Statistical wildfire simulation

Symposium Agenda

9:00 – 9:25 AM                 Introduction and Opening Remarks

  • Michele Barbato, UC Davis, Lead Principal Investigator
  • Richard Corsi, UC Davis, College of Engineering, Dean
  • Camille Crittenden, CITRIS and the Banatao Institute, Executive Director

9:25 – 10:45 AM              Wildfire Modeling and Forecast under Changing Climate Conditions

10:45 – 11:00 AM            Short Break

11:00 – 12:20 PM            Wildfire Health Effects Assessment

12:20 – 1:20 PM               Lunch Break

1:20 – 2:40 PM                 Wildfire Emission Prediction and Air Quality Assessment

2:40 – 3:00 PM                 Short Break

3:00 – 3:40 PM                 Development and Assessment of Wildfire Mitigation Strategies

  • Michele Barbato, UC Davis and CITRIS and the Banatao Institute (Presentation PDF)

3:40 – 4:00 PM                 Closing Remarks & Overview of Future Activities

  • Michele Barbato, UC Davis, Lead Principal Investigator

4:00 – 4:15 PM                 Lead Principal Investigator, Dr. Michele Barbato, Available for Questions

Support for this Symposium Comes from:

  • UC Office of the President under award LFR-20-651032
  • UC Davis Air Quality Research Center
  • UC Davis Climate Adaptation Research Center
  • UC Davis College of Engineering
  • CITRIS and the Banatao Institute

Symposium Flyer 

If you have any questions, please contact the Symposium Organizers, Michele Barbato and Olivia Schlanger at mbarbato@ucdavis.edu and oschlanger@ucdavis.edu.
